Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Model of Life – CHOOSE TO LIVE AS BLESSED MARY DID
Blessed Virgin Mary, Chosen to Bear Christ!
Let’s Choose to Live, as Blessed Virgin Mary did!

Blessed Virgin Mary was the Creator’s Chosen Creation to Bear the Creator. God chose Virgin Mary, a common and ordinary person to bear Christ within her. Blessed Virgin Mary was God’s chosen instrument to carry Christ. The Church venerates Mary for being the chosen vessel, preserved from sin from the very moment of her natural conception to the very end of her days. “The world being unworthy to receive the son of God directly from the hands of the Father, He gave His son to Mary for the world to receive Him from her.” – Saint Augustine.
Mary’s life was totally consecrated from its very beginning to God and so it was, she was chosen out of all women to bear the Incarnate Word into the world. Mary, the God-bearing Mother of God, was the first CHRISTIAN and is a model for the followers of her Son, Jesus Christ. Mary was there throughout His thirty-three-year earthly mission of love. His redemptive presence forever changed the history of the world and can do so in our own personal histories if we learn how to surrender to His invitation to love and Choose to live as Blessed Virgin Mary did. Mary is the favoured one, by God that allows each one to be favoured one of God.
Mary could hear and decipher the voice of God because of her worthiness, and she could answer and accept, because of her humble faith and complete trust in her Heavenly Father.
Uncountable are the miracles by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church and for the faithful. What a blessing when anyone is a carrier of Christ within. God has also chosen us, common and ordinary people. We are given an opportunity to carry Christ in us Through Holy Eucharist. She is seen, in the light of the fullness of graces bestowed on her, as one who reflected the very image of God the Father. Christians perceived in the Blessed Mother the Eternal One.
If you want to live a truly holy life today, one of the best ways is to imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Your prayer accompanies us, oh blessed. Your prayer accompanies us. The Lord answers your prayers and forgives us. May you, who is full of grace offer up supplications to the merciful and beseech Him to have mercy on those souls seeking it, Amen”.