Scripture Readings – Haevorae Week I The Week Between Resurrection Sunday and New Sunday I Apr 1 – Apr 6

Haevorae Monday Evening: Luke 24: 13-35 Morning: Matthew 28: 11-20 Holy QurbanaOld Testament Readings Gen. 41: 41-46; Num. 7: 84-89;I Kings 18: 36-40; Judg. 8: 13-21; Jer. 1: 4-12; Isaiah 40: 9–15.   Epistle Readings1 Peter 2: 19-25; Romans 6: 12 -23 Gospel ReadingLuke 24: 13-35 Haevorae Tuesday Evening: Mark Read more…

Scripture Readings – June 30 I 6th Sunday after Pentecost I Feast of the Twelve Apostles (Tresar Slihe Qadise)

Evening: Luke 17: 1-10 Morning: Mark 6: 30-46 Holy QurbanaOld Testament ReadingsExodus 30: 34-38, Joshua 10: 33 -37, 2 Samuel 3: 17-21, Isaiah 14: 22-27Epistle Readings Acts 1: 15-18; 1 Corinthians 8: 1-8Gospel Proclamation Luke 13: 22-35 *Feast of the Twelve Apostles Evening: Matthew 9: 36-10: 5Morning: John 21:15-25; (Matthew Read more…