Scripture Readings – Nov 2 / Feast of St Gregorios of Parumala

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

Evening: John 15: 12 – 21, 16: 1 -3
Morning: John 15: 12 – 20

o Holy Qurbana
o Old Testament Readings
Genesis 18: 1 – 10, 22 – 23; 2 Kings 2: 1 -15, Job 1: 12 – 22; Isaiah 38: 1 – 8
o Epistle Readings
Acts 12: 1 – 11; Hebrews 10: 39 – 11: 12
o Gospel Reading
Matthew 10: 34 – 42 + Mark 1o: 28 – 31

May his prayers be a stronghold for us!
May his life be an inspiration for all of us!!
 Let us all ask him to intercede for us!!!
Categories: Lectionary


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