Quiz on Book of Genesis

- Give Bible reference that show some slight proofs of Holy Trinity in Genesis Ch 1 to 3. Gen. 1: 1; 1: 3; Gen. 1: 26 – “Let US make man in OUR own likeness and image”. Gen. 3: 22 – “The man has become like one of Us”
- Who Created the world? God the Father, God the Son or God the Holy Spirit? – God the Father, (Gen 1: 1) God the Son (Jn. 1: 1-3) & God the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1: 3).
- Why did God put living creatures (Cherubim) and flaming sword that turned in all direction on the east side of Garden? – To keep away or prevent any one touching the Tree of Life (Gen 3: 24).
- What all was made or created from soil, by God? Man (Gen. 1: 7) Animals and birds (Gen. 1: 19);
- To whom God say “you will have to work hard and sweat to produce anything, until you go back to the soil”? Said to Man / Adam (Gen. 1: 15).
- Who saw the tree in the middle of the garden as beautiful and thought that the fruit may be good to it? Woman (Eve) (Gen. 3: 6)
- Where in our Church do you see a symbolic representation of the Tree of Knowledge of good and bad (evil). The Holy Bible kept on Namaskara Mesha symbolize the Tree of Knowledge if Good and Evil.
- A stream flowed in Garden (Eden) and watered the garden; beyond Eden it divided into how many rivers? Stream divided into four rivers/tributaries. (Gen 2: 10)
- Who walked with God and God took him away? Enoch. (Gen. 5: 22)
- Who in the Bible lived for the longest number of years? Methuselah; 969. (Gen. 5: 27)
- Who was the father (ancestor) of those who play the harp and flute? Jubal. (Gen. 4: 21)
- Of what wood was the Ark of Noah made of? Good Timber/Gopher/Cypress. (Gen. 6: 14)
- What did God create on the seventh day? Nothing; He Blessed the seventh Day and He rested (2: 2-3)
- Whose name in the Bible means “I have got a man with the help of the LORD. Cain (4: 1)
- Name six people in the Bible who have lived for more than 900 years: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Jared, Methuselah, & Noah. (5: 5, 8,11, 14, 20, 27: 9: 29)
- Who was the ancestor of those who raise livestock and live-in tents? Jabal (Gen. 4: 2o)
- During whose time did the men began to call the name of the LORD: Seth & Enosh (Gen. 4: 26)
- What was the name given to the man and woman by God? Human being /Mankind’ (Gen. 5: 2)
- Which Object in the Church symbolise the Tree of Life? The Holy Cross on the Namaskara Mesha
- How many doves did Noah send out from the Ark? One, the same dove used each time. (Gen. 8: 8, 10, 12)
- From which time did God allow the people to eat meat also? After the Great flood. (Gen. 9: 3)
- Who closed the Noah’s Ark, when the flood came: God/LORD. (Gen. 7:16)
- On which mountain did the ark come to rest: Mt. Ararat. (Gen. 8: 4)
- Who was the mighty hunter before the Lord? Nimrod. (Gen. 10: 9)
- Which bird did Noah send out first: Raven. (Gen. 8: 7)
- What was the sign of covenant between Noah and God? A rainbow (Gen. 9: 13)
- Who is said to be the ancestor of all Hebrews? Shem (Gen. 10: 21)
- Name the place from where different languages originated? Babel / Babylonia. (Gen. 11: 9)
- Who is said to be the ancestor of all Hebrews? Shem (Gen. 10: 21)
- Name the first city mentioned in the Bible: Enoch. (Gen. 4: 17)
- Name three persons from first five books of the Bible, Abel, Noah, Abraham; that we remember in a hymn, in Holy Qurbana. Which is that hymn? ‘Velivu Niranjor Easo…… Haabelin kunjaadum nohinude – kaazhchayathum Abrahaam than baliyum kaikkonda – Karthave! Nonbum praathenayum – kai-kkondanpaal adiyaare – kaa-kkaa.
- Who built the city of Nineveh? Nimrod (Gen. 10: 11)
- In the middle of the Garden of Eden, were two trees? Eve plucked an apple from one tree and gave it to Adam – true or false? False
- Which was the Holy Place at Shechem? Sacred tree of Moreh
- What was the first words spoken by God in the Bible? “Let there be Light” (Gen. 1: 3)
- Name Abraham’s native place. Ur of Chaldeans/Babylonia. (Gen. 11: 28)
- Who gave the first tithe in the Bible to whom? Abram gave to Melchizedek. (Gen. 14: 20)
- What was the earlier name for Kadesh: En Misphat (14: 7)
- At which place is the sacred trees of Mamre located: Hebron (13: 18)
- Which part of Canaan, had plenty of water: Jordan Valley (Gen. 13: 10)
- Name the places where Abram built Altars to the Lord. Sacred tree of Moreh, Shechem (Gen. 12: 7); Bethel on the west and Ai on the east (Gen. 12: 8); sacred trees of Mamre at Hebron (Gen. 13: 8).
- What did Melchizedek give to Abram? Bread and wine (Gen. 14: 18)
- Which part of Canaan, is compared to the Garden of Eden? Jordan Valley (Gen. 13: 10)
- Where was the first battle/war treaty held in the Bible? Valley of Shaveh/king’s valley. (Gen. 14: 17)
- How many men did Abram use to rescue his relative Lot and his family? 318. (Gen. 14: 14)
- On the Namaskara Mesha, The Cross signifies the Tree of Life, the holy Bible signifies the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. What does the two candles signify? The Cherubim with flaming swords in all directions to guard the Tree of Life, placed the east of the Garden (Gen. 3; 24)
- Who built the first city? Cain (Gen. 4:17)
- Name the Egyptian maid (slave servant) of Sarai: Hagar. (Gen. 16: 1)
- Who turned to pillar of salt, for not obey God’s words? Lot’s wife. (Gen. 19: 26)
- God changed the name of Abram to _________. Abraham (Gen. 17: 5)
- What was the name of Abram’s wife? Sarai (Gen. 11: 31; 12: 5; 16: 1)
- To which mountain did Abraham take Isaac to sacrifice him? Mount Moriah (Gen. 22: 2)
- At which place did the three men (messengers/angels) appear to Abraham: Great/Sacred trees of Mamre. (Gen. 18: 1-3)
- On which cities did God send the rain of Sulphur? Sodom & Gomorrah. (Gen. 19:23)
- Who is referred to as Father of many nations, father of the faithful, father of believers? Abraham (Gen. 17: 5)
- Who was the first child to be named before birth? Ishmael (Gen. 16: 11)
- Name the small town where Lot was kept safe from destruction: Zoar (Gen. 19: 20-22)
- Three men (Messengers/angels) appeared to Abraham, Who does the Holy Church symbolise the three men to be? The Holy Trinity (Gen. 18: 1-3)
- Two of these men (Messengers/angels), left Abraham and went away. Who remained with Abraham? *LORD* (Gen. 18: 22). Please note that all the four alphabets are in Capitals.
- How many times did Abraham plead to the Lord, not to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah? 6. (Gen. 18: 24; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32)
- What did Ishmael grow up to be? An archer/a skilful hunter. (Gen. 21: 20)
- Name the main or chief servant of Abram, mentioned in the Bible, who also went to find a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac? Eliezer. (Gen. 15: 2, 3)
- Where was Abraham and Sarah buried? Cave of Machpelah near Mamre. (Gen. 23: 9; 25: 9)
- At *what age* and at *which place* did Sarah die? 127 years at Kiriath Arba (Hebron)
- Which place did the LORD meet Isaac and *to which land* did the LORD tell Isaac not to go to? Gerar (Gen. 26: 2); Egypt. (Gen. 26: 2)
- Whose eyes did God open, to see a well of water, in the desert. Hagar (Gen. 21: 19)
- Who are Uz and Buz? Sons of Nahor and Milcah (Gen. 22: 21).
- In which wilderness did Ishmael live, during his youth and marriage? Desert of Paran (Gen. 21: 21)
- How many days did Abraham & Isaac take, to travel to Mt. Moriah? 3 days (Gen. 22: 4)?
- What all things did Abraham take with him to Mount Moriah, to sacrifice Isaac? Wood, fire and knife. (Gen. 22: 6)
- Name the well between Kadesh and Bered. The well of the Living One who sees me / Beer Lahai Roi (Gen. 16: 14)
- How old was Abram when God changed his name to Abraham? 99 (Gen. 17: 1-5)
- Isaac asked, *“The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering”* What was Abraham’s reply? The God will provide (Gen. 22: 8). Jehovah Jireh
- What name did Jacob give to the altar, he built it at Bethel? El Bethel; God of Bethel; (Gen. 35: 7)
- What position did the Pharaoh give to Joseph, in Egypt? The Governor/Prime Minister of all Egypt. (Gen. 41: 43)
- Who celebrated his birthday by giving a feast, in the Old Testament? Pharaoh (Gen. 40: 20)
- Name the sons of Joseph: Manasseh & Ephraim (Gen. 41: 51-52).
- Whose dream did Joseph interpret in the prison? the cup bearer & chief baker. (Gen. 40)
- What name did Jacob give to the altar that he built near Shechem? El,El Elohi. (Gen. 33 20) (Mighty is the God of Israel)
- How many of Joseph’s brothers went to buy corn/grain in Egypt? 10 (Gen. 42: 3-4)
- Where did Jesus spend the night, before the sinful woman was brought to him, by the people? Mount of Olives (Jn. 8: 1)
- What is the meaning of the word Peniel? face to face with God (Gen. 32: 30)
- What was the sign of agreement between Jacob & Laban? What were the three names by which this is known as? a heap of stones (Gen. 31: 46); Jegar Shadutha (Aramaic-witness heap) Galeed (Hebrew-witness heap), Mizpah
- What title did the Pharaoh give to Joseph? What is its meaning? Zaphenah Paneah (Gen. 41: 45) (revealer of secrets)
- Which of the brothers had to speak to one of their own brothers through an interpreter? Reuben /Joseph’s brothers to Joseph (Gen. 42: 23)
- What did Laban give to the place where he made and agreement with Jacob? What did Jacob call this place? What was this place also called as? (3 answers). Jegar Shadutha (Aramaic-witness heap) Galeed (Hebrew-witness heap) Mizpah (watchtower)
- Where was Benjamin born and where did Rachel die? near to Ephrath. (Gen. 35: 17) near to Ephrath (Gen. 35: 18).
- What did Joseph ask in return for interpreting his dreams to the cup-bearer? To remember him and show kindness and rescue him from prison. (Gen. 40: 14)