Blessed Virgin Mary – Our Model of Life – Love Jesus as Mary loves Jesus, Love Mary as Jesus loves Mary!
Love Jesus as Mary loves Jesus, Love Mary as Jesus loves Mary!
Ready to love Jesus as your Lord and Savior, as Mary did?

Mary loved Jesus deeply as her son, but she learned to love Him first and foremost as her Savior and Lord. We see her as a disciple among the disciples—at the foot of the Cross, or at a prayer meeting after the Resurrection. Like Mary, let’s grow to have the first and foremost love of our life be Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Look at how much God loved Mary! God the Son loved and honoured Mary, His earthly mother, to the end. He gave her the privilege of giving birth to the Son of God! See how much Mary Loved God. Blessed Virgin Mary, as our mother, is the loving gift from Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child in the family of God.
Look at how much Mary loved God. Mary embraced God’s Plan for her. Mary knew and affirmed God’s Word, without any thought or hesitation. Mary responded to God with submission and obedience. Mary became a disciple among the disciples of Christ. Mary trusted God, in the great trials and sorrows, that her great blessing brought. She was a willing servant, loving mother, trusting in God and obeying his call.
After entrusting John to Mary with the words “Woman, behold your son!”, Jesus, from the Cross, turns to his beloved disciple, saving to him, “Behold, your mother!” Jesus not only urges John to care for Mary with special love, but he entrusts her to him so that he may recognize her as his own mother. Let us all discover in Jesus’ words: “Behold, your mother!”, the invitation to accept Mary as mother, responding to her motherly love as true children. Let us follow the beloved disciple’s example, “take Mary into our house” and make room for her in our own daily life, then we can seek to love Him in the same way. The joy of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph; fills our hearts and is the prototype, example and model for every family. The Holy Family of Nazareth is a ‘shining example of true love’, for each of us to emulate and practice in our family.

‘Love Jesus as Mary loves Jesus, Love Mary as Jesus loves Mary’
Ready to love Jesus as your Lord and Savior, as Mary did?