Koodosh Eetho – Sanctification Sunday – Nov 3 I Church New Year

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

“There is no life without prayer. Without prayer there is only madness and horror. Worship is the most profound activity of the people of God. The soul of Orthodoxy consists in the gift of prayer.”

Our Church year opens and our Church calendar begins with Koodosh Eetho (Church New Year), Koodosh means to consecrate or sanctify. The word ‘sanctify’, along with the words translated saint, holy, and hallowed, is derived from the Greek word hagios, which means “holy.” For this reason, the experience of sanctification is also sometimes referred to as “holiness.” The verb sanctify has three basic meanings: ‘to make holy or purify,’ ‘to consecrate or to separate from ungodliness and dedicate to God,’ and finally, ‘to hallow.’ A study of these words reveals that sanctification is the purification of the heart of a person—a dedication to God and an eradication of the sin nature. A holy and sanctified person, then, is one who has been consecrated or set apart to serve God and is cleansed from his old sin nature.

We are led to reflect in the sanctity and grandeur of the Church, which is the bride of Christ. Our Church fathers have arranged the Church Calendar that we begin the Church life of a year with the sanctification. Sanctified church is dedicated to God Almighty on next Sunday that is why next Sunday would be called Hoodos Etho. Hoodosh means to clean, purify and dedicate. Eetho means Church. Koodosh Eetho falls on October 30 or 31, if Sunday or on first Sunday of November. The concept is to, first sanctify and then dedicate the Church. Church does not mean the building but encompasses all the faithful. During this season of Koodosh Eetho to Christmas, the emphasis is on God’s eternal covenant, renewal and sanctification of humanity.

Our Church Fathers have so beautifully and meaningfully arranged and interlinked the Lectionary Readings for today and each Sunday, so that each faithful can began the process of Sanctification.

“Koodosetho’ is the first Sunday of the Church CalendarOur Church Fathers, teaches us that each year, the Church-life of its faithful should begin with the sanctification. As LORD Almighty is holy, He wants His chosen ones to be holy always. Thus Holy Church has marked the first Sunday of the calendar year to make the entire Church members holy and purified. Sanctified Church will be dedicated to God Almighty on next Sunday that is why next Sunday is be called Hoodosetho.

Let us open our lives to Christ and live as Christ wills


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