The Paten (Peelasa) and Chalice (Kasa)

The Paten (Peelasa) and Chalice (Kasa) are the sacred vessels in which the Eucharist Elements are kept, before and after consecration. The chalice and paten occupy the first place of importance and significance among the sacred vessels, for in the chalice the precious blood of Christ is consecrated, and in the paten, the glorious body of our Lord is placed. The chalice and the paten jointly represent the sepulcher, within whose recesses the Lord reposed, in death after accomplishing the great and sacrificial work of redemption. The Lord Jesus Christ in the Last Supper used a paten and chalice (Matthew 26: 26-27) and following Him, the Apostles did the same (1 Corinthians 10: 16)
The Paten (Peelasa)

The Paten is a small, shallow plate of 7” in diameter and 1″ deep, in which the holy bread is placed. The Paten made of the same metal as the chalice and are usually silver, gold plated or sometimes stainless steel and has three legs. Eucharistic bread is placed in the paten. It also signifies the golden jar or pot of manna kept in the Ark of the Covenant (Heb. 9: 4). The word Paten originates from Latin word, patina ‘shallow dish’, from Greek patane ‘a plate’.
The Chalice (Casa)

Wine mixed with water is poured into the Chalice as blood, as water and blood oozed from the Lord’s side (Jn. 19: 34), when he was lanced. They are usually made silver, gold plated or sometimes stainless steel. In early days this was made by wood only. The cup (Chalice) is the only vessel mentioned in all four scriptural accounts of the institution of the Eucharist. The type of cup used at the Last Supper is unknown. In the fourth century AD, chalices made of precious metals and even studded with diamonds. In the middle Ages, chalices made of wood were in use. The earliest chalices were tumbler-shaped and were made of glass. Some of the primitive chalices were large and had two handles. Chalices are, at the most, about 28 centimetres high. The word, Chalice comes from the Latin word calix means glass or cup. It is a Cup of Sacrifice as well as a Cup of Communion between God and men and man and man. St. Paul the Apostle calls it ‘the Cup of Blessing’ and ‘the Cup of the Lord’. (1Cor. 10: 16, 21). We are also drinking from the Cup of Christ, blessed by our Savior. We must choose one or the other. Paul says, “We cannot drink of the Lord’s cup and of the cup of demons” (1 Cor. 10: 21). They are totally incompatible.