Fasts and Feasts of our Church
FOUR Wheels of a Lenten Carriage
We are on a grand pilgrimage to the Promised Land and very soon we will be on the doorsteps of yet another Great lent. The Great Lent is one of the main keys to the Read more…
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all
One in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28
We are on a grand pilgrimage to the Promised Land and very soon we will be on the doorsteps of yet another Great lent. The Great Lent is one of the main keys to the Read more…
Orthodox Churches give primary importance to worship, as it is the central action of our worship, as well as the dynamic centre for Christian life, encompassing the heart-beats of the Church, that are manifested in Read more…
Evening: Matthew 18: 15 – 22 Morning: Mark 9: 33 – 50o Holy Qurbana o Old Testament ReadingsLeviticus 19: 13-18; Joshua 23: 7 -14; Malachi 4: 1 – 6o Epistle Readings James 2: 14-26; 1 Read more…
A Saint is one in whom Christ lives, one who opens his life to Christ and lives as, Christ wills him to live. Saints are those, who exemplary spiritual lives, deeds, and works, with an Read more…
The Orthodox Church, is the most ancient and oldest Church in the world, founded by Jesus Christ. Its beginnings chronicled in the New Testament, which has deep and lasting roots in Christian antiquity and is Read more…
The New Testament makes explicitly clear that the first day of the week, or Sunday, was a holy day for the primitive Christians, even before Nicaea Synod (325). The Holy Eucharist, the central act of Read more…
The consecration of the Holy Mooron is preceded by elaborate preparations. Fruits are collected from selected olive trees in the months of September and October. They are cleaned and squeezed. To this juice is then Read more…