BVM Series : AARON’S GOLDEN CENSER | Symbol of Blessed Virgin Mary

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

Aaron’s Censer is referred to as the Golden Censer. Then Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer and put incense in it, along with fire from the altar…” (Num. 16: 46). The golden censer (Heb. 9: 4) used by Aaron, the high priest, is a symbol of Virgin Mary who carried in her womb the Incarnate Word in her womb. “Our God is a consuming fire“(Heb. 12: 29). She carried the fire of Divinity in her womb. The Censer, that was offered with incense, before the Holy Altar, in the Holy of holies. Blessed Virgin Mary carried the Invisible Word of the Father, in her womb, who offered Himself as an acceptable, on the Cross sacrifice of an aromatic incense, for the salvation of human race.  

The coal in the censer symbolizes the human nature of Christ, and fire symbolizes His divine nature. Just as the fire and the coal are two natures, so is the divinity and humanity of our Lord. But at the same time, one cannot separate the fire from the coal once it has been ignited, proving that “His humanity cannot be parted from His divinity for a single moment.” Virgin Mary the censer made of pure gold, carried the Blessed and Live coal that is taken from the Holy Altar, to purge our sins and take away our iniquities.

The union between the coal and fire is like the union between the Divinity and the Humanity of Lord Jesus Christ, cannot be separated yet distinct (St. Cyril). The human and divine nature of Christ are one without mingling, without confusion, and without alteration (St. Basil). The censer symbolizes the womb of Saint Mary, where divinity was united with humanity. St. Mary carried this great mystery in her womb. The golden censer carried the ever-burning light, Christ. The Golden Lamp stand that God ordered Moses, the Prophet to make (Ex 25: 31-40) is also symbol of Virgin Mary who carried the True light of the world (Jn 1:9; 8:12).

However, the Censer has also been interpreted as the Universe, the bowl as earth, lid as heaven, the coal as sinners and fire as Holy Spirit. The incense is the life and prayers of believers, rising as sweet fragrances in the presence of God. Just the aroma of sweet-smelling incense smoke rises up, so does our prayers and praises rise towards heaven (Ps. 141: 2). The offering of the incense is a sweet-smelling sacrifice, acceptable to God (Ex. 31: 9; Num. 16: 6). It reminds us of the Lord’s sacrifice, which is a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Eph. 5: 2). It also reminds us of the visible sign of the prayers of the community of saints, who are always present with us (Rev. 5: 8; 8: 4). The censer is used in prayers; and therefore, the Virgin lays for us the way of being with God, through prayer and a as a symbol of the Theotokos, for it is her prayers that find special favour before her Son.

Lev 16:13 – And he shall put the incense on the fire before the LORD, that the cloud of incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the Testimony, lest he die. Rev 8:3, Rev 5:8. Symbol of Virgin Mary. The idea of Salvation and Incarnation and prayers is before His eyes.

The censer being of gold, that points to the greatness and the purity of The Virgin, the purity and the sanctity of The Virgin. The ‘Golden Censer’ St. Mary carried bore our Lord Jesus Christ, the ‘Sweet Aroma. The golden censer is the Virgin, and her aroma is our Savior. She gave birth to Him, and He saved us and forgave us our sins. In the Apocalypse, there stands an Angel before the Throne of God, swinging a censer, representing the prayers of the Saints rising to God. This is also seen as a symbol of the Theotokos, for it is her prayers that find special favour before her Son.

Parimalla dhoopayutham – devaithin jananee
Kannyaka Mariyami – nnorma bhavikate


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