Our Journey to Bethlehem – Day 17 I Jesus Came to Reveal the Trinitarian Nature of Godhead.
God the Son took human flesh as Jesus (Emmanuel, ‘God with us’) and the Trinity’s plan is revealed to mankind, the mystery of the Incarnation” the very reason for the Advent. All the members of the Trinity were, are and will, constantly working in perfect harmony with one another from times eternal. An astounding example of this comes in the form of the Christmas story, or as it is more profoundly known, the Incarnation. When we use the word Incarnation, we are speaking about God taking on flesh (John 1: 14); “and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”). This was a particular event in time where God the Son came down from heaven and added humanity to his divinity (Philippians 2: 7-8).
In Luke Ch 1: 30 – 35, we see that The Holy Trinity manifested at the Annunciation to Blessed Virgin St. Mary (Luke 1: 35). Holy Spirit will come upon thee, Power of the Most High (Father) will overshadow you and Holy one who is born will be called the Son. Jesus is distinct from God the Father and Holy Spirit. In the passage, God the Father is referenced five different times “God” (v 30; 35), “Lord God” (v 32), and “the Most High” (32 and 35). Jesus is called both the Son of God (v 35), and the Son of the Most High (v 32) and Holy Spirit (v 35). We see the revelation Holy Trinity.
The Power the Most High, God the Father, the first person of the Holy Trinity overshadows her, Christ, the Second person of the Holy Trinity is born, Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, comes upon Mary.
When Gabriel answers her, he says: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Highest will overshadow you.” This means that the incarnation of the Son was carried about by the working of the Father and the Spirit. The Holy Trinity is fully revealed to us, in the Baptism of Jesus Christ Mt. 3: 13-17.