BVM Series : AARON’S ROD | Signifies Blessed Virgin Mary

The Pentateuch refers to Aaron’s Rod (Staff) in the Book of Exodus Ch. 7 ff and in Numbers Ch. 17. The rod was probably much like a crude walking stick or a shepherd’s staff or a weapon. In the first instance, the staff of Aaron, also considered as property of Moses, is a sign of God’s victory over the Egyptian magic. This lifeless rod of Aaron sprouted, put forth buds, produced blossoms, and yielded ripe almonds, without being planted nor watered (Num 17: 1-11).

Aaron’s rod, one time a part of a living tree, was cut down, and laid in the presence of the Lord with other dead rods, out of the sight of the people. Though dead, Aaron’s rod time of darkness was bringing forth buds blossoms and almonds, thus received life again in the presence of God. Aaron’s rod after being presented to the people was then returned to the presence of God, in the Ark (Heb. 9; 4).
Jesus Christ the living branch (Is. 11:1; 53:2), was crucified (Is 53:8) and was buried (Is. 53:9). He was out of the sight of the people for three days and three nights and was raised to life again. Then Christ presented Himself to the people, He returned to be seated on the right hand of His Father, mediating between God and man. Aaron’s rod which had bloomed brought forth life out of dry wood. Aaron’s Staff that had budded forth like a living tree prefigured the Living Cross of Christ.
The rod of Aaron, which blossomed, without planting or watering, is a symbol of you. This rod sprouted, put forth buds, produced blossoms, and yielded ripe almonds, without being planted nor watered (Num. 17:1-11), and for this reason, it is a symbol of St. Mary, who being virgin, gave birth to God the logos.
Rod of Aaron that Budded – Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me” (Psalm 22). You are the flower, of incense, that has blossomed, from the root of Jesse.

A rod, of course, has no life in it that can produce blossoms and yield fruit, except by a miracle. This symbolizes the Virgin, who could not sprout or produce fruit, except through a miracle. ‘Aaron’s Rod‘. God made Aaron’s rod (which would be kept in the Ark) return to life and budded to prove he was the legitimate High Priest [Num. 17: 8].
Aaron’s rod did not just sprout buds; it brought forth flowers and fruit, a clear demonstration of the power of the One who gives life. Our Resurrected Christ, who received flesh in Mary’s womb and was born to bring salvation to all mankind, proving that He is the eternal High Priest [Heb. 4: 14].
Like the rod of Aaron, which blossomed without planting or watering resembles you, who budded forth the Flower of Immortality, Christ our God. You who gave birth to our True God, without the seed of man and virginity was not corrupted. Thus, Aaron’s Rod is a symbol of the virgin who gave birth to the Christ of the Holy Spirit. Thus, a symbol of Virgin St. Mary, miraculously ‘sprouted and carried the buds of life-giving birth to God, the logos.
Blessed Virgin Mary symbolizes the Golden Pot of Manna, Aaron’s Rod, and the Stone Tablets, kept in the Ark of the Covenant. (Heb. 9: 4). The hymn of intercessory prayer to the Theotokos, Manna nikshepitha cheppum, Aharon than kilurtha vadiym, Ulkkondoru niyamappetti….