Answers to Quiz on Holy Spirit

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

  1. A. Bezalel Ex. 31:3; Ex. 35: 31
  2. B. The Pharaoh about Joseph. Gen. 41: 38
  3. D. Job; Job 33: 4
  4. C. Days of Moses; Is. 63: 11
  5. A. Gideon; Judg. 6: 34
  6. B. King David; 2 Sam 23: 2
  7. C. Three times; Ps. 51:11; Is. 63: 10, Is. 63: 11
  8. A. St. Paul; Acts 20: 23  
  9. B. Eternal Sin; Mk. 3: 29
  10. C. St. Jude; Jude 1: 20
  11. B. Angel Gabriel said about St. John the Baptist Lk. 1: 15
  12. A. St. Peter; Acts 2: 38
  13. C. Simon the Sorcerer; Acts 8: 19
  14. B. One – St. John the Baptist and (Jesus Christ too); Jn. 1: 32
  15. D. Members of the Sanhedrin; Acts 7: 51
  16. A. Ephesus; Acts 19: 2
  17. C. Ananias and Sapphira; Acts 5: 3-10
  18. B. Prophet Simeon; Lk. 2: 26 
  19. A. King David; Acts 1: 16
  20. B. Upper Room of St. John Mark’s mother; Acts 4: 23; 31
  21. D. Samaria; Acts 8: 16-17
  22. C. St. Peter; Acts 11: 16
  23. B. Cornelius and his family and friends; Acts 10: 47
  24. A. Benedict VIII
  25.  D. Jn. 14: 16, 26; 15:26;  
Categories: Bible Quiz


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