Answers to Quiz Questions on Gospel of St. John – Part 5

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

  1. False (Jn 2: 14-16) – He drove only cattle and animals out.
  2. John 6: 35; 48.
  3. Judas Iscariot (Jn. 6: 70)
  4. In the Synagogue in Capernaum (Jn 6: 59)
  5. Healing of the Paralytic/invalid, at the pool? (Jn. 5: 1 -15)
  6. St Peter (Jn 6: 68)
  7. Those who a. *Believe in Jesus* (Jn 3: 16); b. *Hear/obey His words* (Jn 5: 24, 6: 68); c. *Believe in God the Father* (Jn 5: 24); d. *Partakes (eats/communes) His Body and Blood* (Jn 6: 51)
  8. *Karthave Aruli Cheyathu njan, jeevante apam….Mellil ninnirrangi vannu lokam reshippaan*
  9. Feeding of the multitude (Jn. 6: 1 -14)
  10. Good shepherd lays his life for the sheep and the hired one runs away when the wolf comes, living the sheep to be killed? (Jn. 10 11-13)
  11. Enters by the gate; the sheep listens to His voice; he calls them by name; he goes ahead of them and the sheep follow him; (Jn. 10: 2-6)
  12. Jn Ch. 6. 
  13. My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working (Jn. 5: 17)
  14. House of mercy
  15. Winter (Jn. 10: 22)
  16. A man who climbs a sheep pen, by any other way than the gate. (Jn. 10: 1)
  17. On the grounds of the temple courts, on two occasions (Jn. 8: 7-8)
  18. John, the Baptist to his disciples and a certain Jew. Jn. 3: 30
  19. God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in truth and spirit” (Jn. 4: 24)
  20. Manna satisfied physical hunger and those who ate manna died. The Body and Blood of Jesus, is the spiritual food, will give spiritual life and Eternal Life. (Jn. 6: 58)
  21. Jn. 5: 25 -29
  22. None (10: 41)
  23. The shepherd of the sheep. (Jn. 10: 2)
  24. Sent (Jn. 9: 7) 
  25. Temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade/Porch. (Jn. 10: 23)


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