Answers to Quiz Questions on Gospel of St. John – Part 6

- Caiaphas (Jn. 11: 49)
- That the Son of God may be glorified through it (Jn. 11: 4)
- Caiaphas (Jn. 11: 52)
- From the day Lazarus was brought back to life? (Jn. 11: 53)
- Lazarus Saturday (Saturday before Hosanna)
- To Martha (Jn. 11: 25)
- Mary (Jn. 11: 2)
- Ephraim (Jn. 11: 54)
- Thomas (Jn. 11: 16)
- Outside Bethany for he had not yet entered Bethany (Jn. 11: 25, 30)
- Bethany (Jn. 11: 1)
- Twin (Didymus) (Jn. 11: 16)
- Four days (Jn. 11: 39)
- 3 kms; less than 2 miles; 15 Stadia (Jn. 11: 18)
- Lazarus, Come forth/out” (Jn. 11: 43)
- “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (Jn. 13: 34-35).
- Zechariah Zech. 9: 9; (Jn. 12: 15)
- To teach them that they have to wash each other’s feet / no servant is greater than his master (Jn. 13: 16).
- Jesus to Andrew and another disciple, Philip to Nathaniel and Mary People to Jesus (Jn. 1: 39; 46, 11: 34)
- Yes 3: 14; 12: 32-33.
- a voice from heaven (Jn. 12: 28)
- An expensive perfume, a pint of Nard (Jn. 12: 3)
- Jn. 14: 2, 3, 28.
- Judas Iscariot (Jn. 12: 4-5)
- Greeks (Jn. 12: 20-21)