BVM Series : GOLDEN POT OF MANNA | Typifies Blessed Virgin Mary
As the Lord commanded Moses, he said to Aaron ‘Take a golden pot, put one full omer of manna in it, and lay it up before God to be kept for your generation” (Ex. 16: 33). Our Lord Jesus Christ is the ‘True Manna’ Who descended from heaven and to life to the world- “I am the living Bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this Bread, he shall live forever; and the Bread that I will give is My Flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (Jn. 6: 50 – 51).

Karthavu Aaruli cheyyathu nyan Jeevanate Apam………
“I am the living Bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this Bread, he shall live forever; and the Bread that I will give is My Flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (Jn. 6: 50-51).

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the ‘True Manna’ Who descended from heaven and gave life to the world- “This is the bread which came down from heaven-not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats his bread will live forever.” (Jn 6: 58). Thus St. Mary is the ‘golden pot’ who carried the ‘True Manna’ in her womb (Ex 16: 32-33).
Manna was food prepared and given from heaven. Christ had a body prepared of the Lord of heavens, in the virgin womb of gold, that He might be food for believers (Heb. 10: 5). Christ is the true bread, or manna from heaven (Jn. 6: 35). Earthly Manna was white, pure and bright thing, round in form; Christ is Pure without sin (1 Pet. 2: 22) infinite, perfect, and entire, no beginning, no end.
Manna was the food only given to the Israelites for the physical body; Christ, the Bread of life, is the spiritual food (1 Cor. 10: 3), only given to believers as the food for the soul and eternity. Manna in the desert did corrupt and putrefy; Christ, the true Manna, can never corrupt, but abide forever. All those who taste, this Eucharistic Bread with reverence, will be incapable of corruption. Those that did eat of Manna in the wilderness are dead, they perished. Those that eat of spiritual Manna shall never die. “Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and are dead. This is the Bread which comes from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. (John 6:49-51). “

The manna is a symbol of Christ, who is the live bread who came down from heaven. Everybody who eats from Him lives by Him, and He is also the bread of life (John 6: 32, 48, 49). Manna nikshepitha cheppum……. Christ is compared to the manna, Blessed Virgin Mary is the Golden Pot of Manna, who carried this Celestial Bread inside her. Theotokos is the pure golden vessel of Hidden Manna, wherein the Bread of Life, which came is down from heaven and granted Life to the whole world. “To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna” (Rev. 2: 17).
Virgin Mary carried the true Manna in her womb for nine months thus the pot of manna symbolizes her. The golden pot received honor in the Old Testament with the placement of the heavenly manna in it, so should the Holy Virgin with her giving a body to Christ receive great honor, as she carried the True Manna and presented Him to us, that whoever eats from it will never die. St. Mary was not merely a vessel but Lord Jesus actually took flesh from her.
Intercede for us, O Mother of the Bread of Life, before our Lord that He may forgive us our sins.