Holy Prophet Obadiah (Abdias) – Nov 19

Prophet Obadiah was fourth of the twelve minor prophets, and the author of the shortest book of the Old Testament with just only one chapter of twenty-one verses. The name Obadiah was common in ancient Israel and Judah. It means ‘the Lord’s servant’ or ‘worshiper of Yahweh’. A and extremely courageous, prophet faithful to the Lord and a revered holy man, who could not live with the people who had completely turn away from the One Living True God.
Obadiah probably lived in the harsh and bitter era after the capture and destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. He was most likely a contemporary of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Nothing much is known about Obadiah the prophet, other than what is disclosed through the book of Obadiah. He lived during the ninth century B.C. and belonged to the village of Betharam, near Shechem, presently a part of Nabulus. He The book opens saying – This is the prophecy of Obadiah — what the Sovereign Lord said about the nation of Edom. The Lord Will Punish Edom. The Lord has sent His messenger to the nations, and we have heard His message: “Get ready! Let us go to war against Edom!” (Obadiah 1: 1).

Obadiah’s prophecies focus on God’s judgment against the Edomites, an aggressively hostile neighbor of Israel, for their part in destroying Jerusalem. Obadiah’s message was that God will not forget His people even in their captivity but will accomplish His purpose through and beyond the appalling, awful conditions they endure. The scriptures tell us little of where or when he lived. It is believed that he is the Obadiah who served as steward of King Ahab’s household and, when Jezebel was persecuting and killing the prophets of the living God, he hid a hundred of them in a cave and fed them. He hid the prophets in two caves, so that if those in one cave should be discovered those in the other might yet escape. It is said that this Obadiah later became a disciple of the Prophet Elijah and a devout worshiper of the Lord. Obadiah faithfully served the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in secret. It is said that he was chosen to prophesy against Edom, being an Edomite himself and having lived with two such godless persons as Ahab and Jezebel without learning to act as they did, he seemed the most suitable person to prophesy against Esau (Edom).

There are thirteen different men are named Obadiah in the Bible, including the minor prophet who wrote the book of Obadiah. 1. Head steward and overseer of the household of evil King Ahab and wicked queen Jezebel of Israel, Obadiah succeeded in secretly concealing one hundred prophets in caves (1 Kings 18: 4-6) and feeding them with food and water. During the great famine he was sent as an emissary by Ahab to search for food. He met the prophet Elijah, and brought Ahab the message that the famine was at an end. 2. A descendant of Jeduthun¸ the son of Shemaiah, had a member of the tribe of Levi named Obadiah was part of the group of Jews who returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity. He was the son of Shemaiah (1 Chronicles 9:16). 3. One of the grandchildren of the last king, Jeconiah. 4. A descendant of the tribe of Issachar, and one of David’s heroes was called Obadiah, who was a tribal leader as well (1 Chron. 7: 3). 5. A descendant of Saul, a Benjamite named Obadiah was one of the six sons of Azel (1 Chron. 8: 38; 9: 44). 6. A Gadite, one of David’s mighty men; the second in the list of David’s heroes who joined him in the desert before the capture of Ziklag (1 Chron. 12: 8-14). 7. Father of Ishmaiah, was named Obadiah, who was appointed representative of the tribe of Zebulun, under David. (1 Chron. 27: 19). 8. One of the officers sent by Jehoshaphat to teach in the different towns of Judea was called Obadiah (2 Chron. 17: 7). 9. A Levite, named Obadiah, during the reign of Josiah, was placed as overseer, over the workmen repairing restoring the temple the Temple. (2 Chron. 34: 12). 10. Son of Jehiel; a descendant of Joab chief of 218 men who returned with Ezra to Palestine (Ezra 8: 9). 11. One Obadiah was a priest, who signed, and sealed the written covenant to obey the laws of God during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah a witness the covenant to live according to the doctrines of the law of Moses (Neh. 10: 1 -27). 12. One of the porters or gatekeepers of the gates in the porticoes of the new Temple was named Obadiah, who stood guard at the storehouses. (Neh. 12: 25). 13. A prophet who lived probably about 587 B.C. Ob. 1)
Obadiah’s life teaches us that, Almighty rewards those who steadfastly labours for Him, by providing vision, courage and hope to stand against adversity. He remained faithful to the One True Lord of Israel.