Liturgical Seasons of the Malankara Indian Orthodox Church I Season of Annunciation – Season of Advent

Our Liturgical year is divided into two seasons – Holy Cross (Sleeba) season and Kymtha (Resurrection/Uyarppu) season.
Church calendar begins with Koodosh Eetho (Church New Year), Koodosh means to consecrate or sanctify. This is followed by Hoodosh Eetho, Hoodosh means to clean, purify and dedicate. Eetho means Church. Our Liturgical Year begins, at the end of October or the beginning of November and is divided into seven seasons, starting from the first Sunday after 30th October. Koodosh Eetho falls on October 30 or 31, if Sunday or on first Sunday of November. The concept is to, first sanctify and then dedicate the Church. Church does not mean the building but encompasses all the faithful.
In one year, the Holy Church follows a pattern; reads scriptures and remembers, participate and partakes, celebrates and completes the principal events of our Lord’s redemptive activities in a year – cycle so that the faithful constantly grow in Him. ‘Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ’ (Eph 4: 15). Sanctification imports variety of meanings such as clean, holy, set apart and dedicate for service of God, etc. The faithful of the Church as whole is to purify themselves and seek forgiveness of sins from God and brethren.
Season of Annunciation, the first season is from Koodos Etho to Yeldho. The emphasis is on birth of Christ, the God’s eternal covenant, renewal and sanctification of humanity or rebirth of the faithful. We prepare for God’s coming among us.
Season of Epiphany, the second season is from Yeldho to Kothine. Christmas to Denaho, emphasis is on birth of Christ and rebirth of faithful. Denaho to Great Lent, emphasis is on Christ’s growth and spiritual growth of faithful
Season of Great Lent, the third season is the from Kothine to Resurrection (Kyemtha). Great Lent to Resurrection, emphasis is on His acts, sufferings, crucifixion, resurrection and repentance of faithful.
Season of Resurrection, the fourth season is Resurrection to Pentecost: Resurrection to Pentecost, emphasis is on the resurrection and hope of faithful
Season of Pentecost, the fifth is after Pentecost to the Transfiguration. In this period the Church commemorates the crowning of the saints and Martyrs.
Season of Transfiguration, the sixth is from the Feast of the Transfiguration to Feast of Holy Cross. We identify ourselves with Christ on the Cross and become redeemers, sharing His Cross, denoting the symbol of Revelation of our Saviour.
Season of Holy Cross, the seventh is Feast of Cross to Koodos Etho – The emphasis is on the growth of Church and spiritual nourishment of faithful. Emphasis ison Second Advent and Eternal Life.
The first liturgical season of our Liturgical Year is from Koodosh Eetho till Yeldho), the Advent period, marking the beginning of the ecclesiastical year.
- Koodosh Eetho (Sunday of Sanctification)
- Hoodosh Eetho (Sunday of Dedication)
- Annunciation to Priest Zachariah
- Annunciation to Blessed Virgin Mary
- Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
- Birth of John the Baptist
- Revelation to Joseph
- Sunday before Christmas
- Yeldho (Christmas) December 25th
Season of Annunciation – Season of Advent
The word Advent is from the Latin ‘Adventus,’ which means ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’; Parousia is a Greek word found in the ancient text of our Holy Scriptures which, represents an imminent return. Like Lent, Advent is a preparatory season. The first five Sundays are aptly called Sundays of Annunciation. Annunciation to Zachariah (Lk. 1: 1-25), Annunciation to Mary Lk. (1: 26-38), Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth (Lk. 1: 39-56), Birth of John the Baptist (Lk. 1: 57 – 80), Revelation to Joseph (Mt. 1: 18-25). This is followed by the Sunday before Christmas when we remember the whole generation of mankind beginning from Adam (Mt. 1: 1-17). Finally, this season culminates in (Yeldho – Birth of Christ) Christmas the Nativity of our Lord on 25th December (Mt. 2: 1- 12). One has to undertake the Fast of Advent, in order to prepare one’s body and spirit in perfect hygiene, undefiled heart and go in time to meet and receive the awesome God of Universe, Lord of Lords and King or Kings, Christ Jesus!

In the Orthodox Tradition, Advent is a period of fasting and preparation in connection with the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord. So, Advent is the time of the year when we look forward to the arrival of Jesus and is best understood as a period of preparation for the commemoration of Christ’s entry into our world as an event in salvation history. The focus of the entire season is the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Second Advent.
Advent originally had its meaning, when the early Christians looked forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as promised. Many thought that it was going to happen during their lifetime. Later, this practice of ‘looking forward’ to the coming of Jesus Christ was combined with the ‘looking back’ to the first arrival (Incarnation) of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. It has significance because it is a season of looking forward and waiting for something greater; both for the annual commemoration of the event of Christ’s birth, and for the time when Christ will come again.
Western churches celebrate 4 Sundays prior to Christmas as the Advent Season. However, in Orthodox Syrian tradition, we have an extended advent season. We look back on the events of the first Christmas. The emphasis is on birth of Christ, the God’s eternal covenant, renewal and sanctification of humanity or rebirth of the faithful. We prepare for God’s coming among us. During the Advent, the faithful are asked: to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate the anniversary of the Lord’s coming into the world as the incarnate God of love, thus to make their souls fitting abodes for the Redeemer coming in Holy Communion and through grace, and thereby to make themselves ready for His final coming as judge, at death and at the end of the world. It is a reminder that we were made for God; that He loved us enough to enter into our existence. It is a time to ponder which world we wish to be permanent citizens in this flawed but beautiful and passing one or the eternal world to come. So, let’s also pause to consider what Advent was intended to be, a time to contemplate the love of our God Who entered into our history to save us.