Prepare for Room for Christ this CHRISTmas!

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. – Isaiah 9: 6
Christmas is not only a holiday but a holy day. It was only in the 4th century, that the date December 25th was adopted as Christmas Day (A.D. 336). We also celebrate Christmas in a big way, on 25th of December every year. Emperor Justinian prohibited work and public business declaring Christmas a public holiday.
Was there a Santa Claus in the manger in Bethlehem?
Did Mary bake a cake that day?
Did King Herod send a card to Joseph?
Was there a tree in the manager?
Did Joseph and Mary throw a party?
The answer is NO to all and many more.
This Christmas, don’t miss the point of celebrating Christmas, like the innkeeper (Lk. 2: 7), King Herod (Matt. 2: 1-8) and the religious leaders (Matt. 2: 4-6) who missed Christ.
Don’t be like the innkeeper who missed Jesus because he was too busy (Lk. 2:7; Matt 2: 4-6). The innkeepers refused Christ when they said “no room” to Joseph and Mary. They ignorantly, shunned the King of Kings and Lord of Lords out of their hearts and houses. Make time for the Lord.
Don’t be like the chief priests, teachers of law or scribes who missed Christ, because they were busy in their work. The chief priests, teachers of the law, the scribes knew that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Matt. 2: 4-6; Mic. 5: 1-2); they were there when the Messiah was born on the Christmas day, yet missed Christmas. Allow nothing else to take the place of worshiping Jesus Christ.
Don’t be like King Herod who was too afraid to let Christ rule his life (Matt. 2). King Herod the great, who felt insecure and troubled at the news of the coming of the King? He pretended, he wanted to worship Jesus, he posed to see the creator of heavens and earth and all humanity, but he was fearful of the one who was called the King of the Jews. Turn your heart over to Christ.
Finally, don’t run your life like the Roman Empire, who missed Christmas because other gods took the place of Christ in their lives. Allow nothing else to take the place of worshipping Jesus Christ.

All had their own reasons to miss Christ on the first Christmas. Today also, many of us have ‘NO ROOM FOR CHRIST AMIDST US, our business obligations, preoccupations, busy schedule of Christmas celebrations, parties, shopping and events.
Are not our Churches like the crowded Bethlehem, with no room for Christ?
Are we not having Christless Christmas celebrations, with wine and merrymaking?
Have not our Christmas Carols, become more of a routine rigmarole and money making mission.
We the 21st century Herods, do not want Jesus interfering with our power, plans, prestige or positions and do not want or do not let, Jesus have His rightful place in our hearts and His lawful throne in the society.
Where do we picture ourselves? With whom can we associate ourselves? In which category do we fall?
Can we opt to be His witnesses like the Shepherds, choosing to give the Christmas message, the ‘Good News of great joy to the whole humanity (Lk. 2: 10-11), making the birth of Jesus the Savior in their hearts and lives possible. Can we not be wise men and women still following the star, to seek the Prince of Peace and be with the Savior of the World?
Christmas is about love that is, giving and giving sacrificially. It is the blessed season that engages the world in a covenant of love. Can we associate ourselves with Mary and Joseph, say ‘yes’ to His will and commission. Can we not open the doors of our inns and admit Christ into our hearts. Bless us Lord, this Christmas, with the quietness of mind; teach us to be always patient, obedient and kind. Help us to cherish peace and goodwill; and be plenteous in mercy.
Don’t miss CHRIST this year. “Let every heart prepare Him room.”