Quiz Questions – Gospel of St. John – Part 3

- What is the difference in the *water* in the well at Samaria and the Living water that Jesus offers?
- What was the time and where were the disciples, when Jesus spoke to woman, at the well?
- Jesus healed a royal official’s son. At which place was the official, when Jesus healed his son.
- Jesus healed an invalid man at a pool. Why was he invalid? Because of his Sins (Jn. 5: 14)
- “I am telling you the truth: those who hear My words and believe in Him Who sent Me, have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life”. Who said to whom? Give Bible Ref.
- Whom did Jesus ask, “where we shall buy bread for these people”?
- How far away from the shore was the boat, when the disciples saw, Jesus coming walking on the water? Where were they heading to?
- After the miracle of feeding of the 5000, the disciples gathered the left-over bread and fish and filled twelve baskets. True or False.
- “Do not be surprised at this; *the time is coming when all the dead will hear his voice and come out of their graves*: *those who have done good will rise and live, and those who have done evil will rise and be condemned”. * Who said to whom?
- While Jesus was in Samaria, the disciples started asking among themselves, “Could somebody have brought Him food?” What was the reply of Jesus’ to this?
- How was the sick cured in the pool of Betzatha/Bethesda?
- What is the other name of the ‘Sea of Galilee’
- In the feeding of 5000, with five loaves of bread and two fish, what was the bread made of?
- How many *people* were fed in the feeding miracle with five loaves and 2 fish?
- Where did Jesus perform the miracle of the feeding of the 5000?
- About whom did Jesus say that he was *the burning and shining lamp that gave light*?
- Who brought to Jesus, the boy with five loaves of bread and two fishes?
- Where, (in which place) did Jesus perform the miracle of the ‘feeding of the 5000’?
- Many of the Samaritans *believed in Jesus*. Because of whom did they believe in Jesus Christ?
- How many people did Jesus Christ baptize?
- Give the Bible reference for “I am the light of the world”.
- Name the pool at which Jesus told the blind man born to go and wash.
- Jesus said to the Crowd “I am the bread of _________”. “Those who come to Me will never be ___________; those who believe in Me will never be ____________. *(Three Blanks)*
- Jesus fed the multitude, about 5ooo men. How much food was distributed?
- The Jews said, that the scripture says that the Messiah will be a descendant of _____ _______ and will be born in _________ ….. *(Three Blanks) *