Quiz Questions – Gospel of St. John – Part 5

- Jesus made a whip of cords and drove the people out of the temple of Jerusalem. True or False?
- Jesus said ‘I am the Bread of Life’! What is the Bible refence for this title?
- Which disciple did Jesus call a devil?
- At which place did Jesus preach about the Bread of Life?
- Which is the third miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of St John.
- Who asked “Lord to whom shall we go?
- Who can have eternal life? Find the answers from John Ch 1 to 6.
- “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever. The bread that I will give you is my flesh, which I give so that the world may live.” This Bible verse Jn. 6: 51 is a Bible reference for which hymn in Holy Qurbana?
- Which is the fourth miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of St John?
- What is the difference between the good shepherd and a hired shepherd?
- What are the qualities of a good shepherd? Give at least four reasons
- Which chapter of John is called the Eucharistic Chapter?
- What did Jesus reply to the reason why he cured on Sabbath day
- What is the meaning of Bethesda?
- During which season is the feast of dedication?
- Who is thief or a robber, according to Jesus?
- Where did Jesus, write? How many times? (2 Answers)
- “He must become greater; I must become less”. Who said to whom?
- What did Jesus say to the Samaritan women, how they must worship?
- What is the difference between the bread from heaven (Manna) and Jesus the Bread of Life?
- Find the Bible reference where Jesus speaks of Judgement Day, rising of the dead from the graves, Second Coming, Jn 5 & 6.
- Who enters by the gate, according to Jesus?
- How many miracles did John, the Baptist perform?
- What is the meaning of the word ‘Siloam’?
- Where in Jerusalem, did Jesus walk during the feast of Dedication?