Quiz Questions – Gospel of St. John – Part 6

- Who said, ‘it is better for one man (Jesus) to die than the whole nation perishes’?
- What reason did Jesus give for Lazarus’ sickness and death?
- Name the high priest, who prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation and also for the scattered children of God?
- From which day did the Jews plot to take Jesus’ life?
- On which day do we commemorate Lazarus?
- To whom did Jesus say “I am the Resurrection and the Life, he who believes in Me will live, even though he dies”?
- Who had poured perfume on the Lord’s feet and wiped with their hair?
- To which village did Jesus and His disciples withdraw, so as to be away from public attention?
- Who said “Let us go with Him, that we may also die?
- Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the Life, he who believes in Me will live, even though he dies”. In which town did Jesus say this?
- Name the village of Martha and Mary.
- What was Thomas, the disciple also called as?
- How many days did Lazarus remain in the grave?
- How far is Bethany from Jerusalem?
- What did Jesus say to the dead Lazarus?
- What was the new commandment of Jesus?
- Whose prophecy was fulfilled on the day of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem?
- Why did Jesus wash the feet of disciples?
- Give three Bible Ref for ‘Come and See’.
- Did Jesus forecast the kind of death; He was to die? Answer with *reference*.
- Who said “I have glorified it and will glorify again”?
- What perfume was used to anoint the feet of Jesus, by Mary?
- Give the *three* Bible ref for Jesus predicting His Ascension and Second Coming of Jesus Christ:
- Who objected that the perfume was being wasted?
- Who came to Philip, with a request to meet Jesus?