Righteous Tabitha of Joppa – Oct 25

Tabitha or Dorcas, was a beloved, exemplary disciple of Jesus, who lived in the town of Joppa (today’s Jaffa, near Tel Aviv), a city on the coast, overlooking of the Mediterranean Sea. Tabitha is the Aramaic rendering of the Greek name Dorcas, both meaning ‘gazelle’ – a woman of energy, grace, beauty and quick movements. The Holy Bible does not mention her genealogy, her parents, whether she was single, married or widowed, rich or poor, or any family details. Tabitha, was a woman of good deeds, doing acts of love for the poor. She was a charitable person who made things, especially clothing, for the needy in Joppa.
The story of Righteous Tabitha epitomized in seven verses Acts 9, is notable, because she was one who inspired apostles to put words into action and that St. Peter raised her back to life after she had died. She was known for her good works and acts of love for the poor (Acts 9: 36). Her days were filled with activities that brought relief and solace to the needy, especially for orphans and widows, thus she was much loved in the community of Joppa. This is all we get to know about the Tabitha’s life, but these few lines from the Acts of the Apostles (9: 36-42), were enough for the Church to glorify the saintly woman, as a ‘true disciple of Christ’.

She did not seem to be daughter of some rich or appear to be from a prominent family. She was a poor girl, a seamstress who lived by her needle. Virtuous and merciful Dorcas was a noble human being, who held a spiritual treasure in her heart. She did not want to be called a Christian by name but, she wanted to live according words of God and works of Mercy. A ‘woman after God’s own heart’ follows the most important commandment the Christ brought to the world is the commandment of love: “Love God and love one another“. Dorcas applied this commandment to an absolute degree that the account of her life, death and resurrection was included as a very special example indeed!
She did not take upon herself the load of teaching or apostolic works. All she did giving alms in deep humility, to those known and close to her. She wiped the wails of the widows and brought cheer smile and comforting laughter to the orphans and needy, by her active loving deeds. She refreshed and quenched the people who were thirsty for love, for help, and for benevolence.
Blessed Dorcas was full of works of love and charity. Tabitha became a fountain of love – a fountain that flowed and gave charity to the world around her, in spite of her poverty. When she became sick and died, all the poor, all the orphans, and all the widows who had found consolation and protection near her mourned. Tabitha was so beloved and so essential to the life of her believing community in Joppa, that they could not cannot imagine life without her.

She had been an affectionate mother to this suffering world. Christians of Joppa, expressing with tears, the pain they felt at her death sent for the Apostle Peter, who was in a nearby city of Lydda. Seeing the sorrow Dorcas’s death brought, to the people of Joppa, Peter kneeled, prayed, and then said to the dead girl, “Tabitha, arise,” and the miracle happened. The dead girl opened her eyes, sat up, and started speaking! The miracle, like the miracle of raising Jairus daughter by Jesus Christ, became known throughout the whole district immediately, and the people believed in Christ. Her life became a means for preaching the gospel and calling many others.

Tabitha went on to live until a ripe old age. She was buried in a cave, near which today exists the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Peter and St. Tabitha. She is commemorated on October 25,
1 Comment
Prassanna · October 27, 2022 at 1:12 am
Pray we lead a life akin to Tabitha Lord be with us as nd help us to do they will