Scripture Readings – Dec 8 I Sunday of Birth of John the Baptist (Children’s Day)

• Evening: Luke 1: 57-80 / Mark 10: 13-16 **
** Readings as per Old Lectionary
• Morning: Matthew 11: 11-19
• Holy Qurbana
• Old Testament Readings
Genesis 21: 9-21; Exodus 2: 1-10; Ruth 4: 13-22; Isaiah 62: 1-12
(Ps. 127: 1 – 5) **
• Epistle Readings
1 John 4:1-10 Gal 4:18-30
(1 John 3: 1-3; Ephesians 6: 1-4; Colossians 3: 20-21) **
• Gospel Proclamation
Luke 1: 57-80