Scripture Readings | Jan 19 I 2nd Sun after Baptism of our Lord (Denaha)
o Evening: John 1: 26-34
o Morning: John 1: 35-42
Holy Qurbana
- Old Testament Readings
- Leviticus 22: 26-33;
- Micah 4: 13 – 5: 8 (Proverbs 9: 1 – 9); **
- Isaiah 51: 1-8
- Epistle Readings
- 1 Peter 5: 5-11; (1 Pet. 3: 7 -15) **
- Hebrews 3:1-6; (Heb. 1: 1 – 2: 4) **
- Gospel Readings
- John 1: 43 – 51
(Readings as per the Old Lectionary) **