Scripture Readings | Feb 10 to Feb 13 – Three Day Fast

MONDAY of Three days Lent
Evening – Matthew 12: 31-41
Morning – Numbers 5: 5-10; Jonah 1:1- 17; Isaiah 19: 17-22 ;
Acts 13: 6 – 12; Colossians 1: 3-13; Matthew 7: 1-12
TUESDAY of Three days Lent
Evening – Luke 4: 24-32
Morning – Micah 1: 1-16; Jonah 2: 1-10; Is. 57: 13-19
Acts 8: 9-25; Romans 1: 18- 32; Matthew 24: 36-46
WEDNESDAY of Three days Lent
Evening – Luke 11: 5-13, 29-32
Morning – Ex. 23: 1 -9; Zeph. 1: 11-2: 4; Jonah 3: 1 – 10; Is. 41: 17-26
St. James 1: 13-27; Romans 15: 24-43; St. Luke 11:27-36
Holy Qurbana
II Peter 2: 1-18; I Thessalonians 5: 12-24 Matthew 12: 38-50
THURSDAY / The End of Three days Lent
Holy Qurbana
Old Testament Readings
Genesis 18: 23-33; Joshua 7: 6- 20; Jonah 4: 1 – 11
Epistle Readings
James 4: 7-17; Ephesians 5: 3-21
Gospel Reading
Luke 12: 54-13: 9