Scripture Readings – June 30 I 6th Sunday after Pentecost I Feast of the Twelve Apostles (Tresar Slihe Qadise)

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

Evening: Luke 17: 1-10
Morning: Mark 6: 30-46
Holy Qurbana
Old Testament Readings
Exodus 30: 34-38, Joshua 10: 33 -37, 2 Samuel 3: 17-21,
Isaiah 14: 22-27
Epistle Readings
Acts 1: 15-18; 1 Corinthians 8: 1-8
Gospel Proclamation
Luke 13: 22-35

*Feast of the Twelve Apostles

Evening: Matthew 9: 36-10: 5
Morning: John 21:15-25; (Matthew 10: 11- 15, 19: 27 – 30)

Holy Qurbana
Old Testament Readings
Genesis 12: 1-9; 1 Kings 8:1-6; Jer. 16: 16 -21; Dan. 1: 8 – 21; Isaiah 43: 1-14

Epistle Readings
Acts 2:37-47; Galatians 2:1-10; (Acts 1: 12-14; 1 Corinthians 12: 28-13: 10)*

Gospel Proclamation
Luke 6: 12-26

(Readings as per Old Lectionary) *

Categories: Lectionary


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