Scripture Readings – Nov 10 I Sunday of Dedication of Holy Church (Hoodhosh Eetho)

• Evening: Luke 9: 18-25 (Luke 19: 47- 20: 8 **)
• Morning: John 10: 22-38 (Mark 12: 41-44 **)
• Holy Qurbana
• Old Testament Readings
Exodus 31:18-32:6 1 Kings 6:1-8 Ezek. 9:9-11+10:1-5;18-22; 1 Mac. 4: 52-59
(Exodus 33: 7-11; 1 Kings: 8 : 22 – 40; Isaiah 55: 1- 13 **)
• Epistle Readings
Acts 7: 44-53; Hebrews 9: 1-14
• Gospel Proclamation
John 10: 22-42 (John 10: 22 – 38 **)
(Readings As Per Old Lectionary) **