St Osio (Ossyo), the Ascetic – October 15

  Ossyo’s (Esia, Osio) was born to parents Fanitheros and Gurgunia both famous and staunch believers in Christ. They were childless for long time, but they believed fervently a child would be born to them and that child was named Ossyo, meaning ‘doctor’ in Syriac and Osios means ‘Holy’, ‘Pious’ or ‘Venerable’ person in Greek. He was born in the town Farfa, Rome. His father was brother to King Theodosius of Sakadasyus. He studied in Read more…

Mar Athanasius of Alexandria – October 14 I Father of Orthodoxy, Defender of the Faith

St. Athanasius also called St. Athanasius of Alexandria, St. Athanasius the Great, St Athanasius the Confessor or Saint Athanasius the Apostolic, is recognised Christian theologian, ardent ascetic, Church Father and ecclesiastical statesman, the chief defender of Christian orthodoxy against Arianism in the 4th century. He is venerated as a Christian saint, labelled as the ‘Father of Orthodoxy’, for his absolute dedication to the doctrine of Christ’s Read more…