Elias Mar Julius – Feb 19 I Founder of Manjinikkara Dayara

Elias Mar Julius, (Mar Yulios Elias Qoro) was a Bishop of the Orthodox Church. He Born as Elias Malke at Mardin, Tukrey on August 1, 1881, as the son of Malke Qoro and educated at school of the Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. He joined Kurkum Dayra (Mar Hannanyo Monastery) in 1902 and became a monk on 16 June 1905, at the age of 24. He was appointed secretary to Ignatius Abded Aloho II, Patriarch of Antioch in 1906 and was ordained a priest in 1908. He accompanied the Patriarch on a trip to Jerusalem, Istanbul, London, Paris, Egypt, and India, from 1908 till 1911, as a Ramban. He became abbot of Mar Hannanyo Monastery in 1911, as well as the director of its printing press too. He was consecrated bishop on 23 September 1923, with the title Yulios (Julius), in the Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, by Ignatius Elias III, the Patriarch of Antioch, appointed to serve in Malankara. He served as Patriarchal Delegate to Malankara in 1927. In 1932, he established Mar Ignatius Dayra, at Manjinikkara on the tomb of Ignatius Elias III, at Omallur, Kerala. He established and approved order for various monasteries and Churches in Kerala. Education of priests, was held of great importance to him and he trained the priests with incomparable discipline in Manjinikkara.
Our Church Scholar, Rev Fr V C Samuel, as a lay person, was attracted there by the presence of the Syrian bishop Elias Mar Julius, the then delegate of the Patriarch and pursued Syriac studies at Manjanikkara Dayara. Mar Yulios was one of the foremost masters of the Beth Gazo melodies (Treasuries of Chants – West Syriac liturgical book that contains a collection of Syriac chants and melodies) that remain an important learning resource for the clergy.

After serving as a bishop for thirty-nine years, he departed for the heavenly abode on 19 February 1962 at Omallur, Kerala. He was entombed in the tomb already prepared by him at Ignatius Dayro Manjinikkara. His feast is celebrated on 19 February.
Reference: Cor-Episcopo K. Mani Rajan, (Rajan, K. M). (2017). Martyrs, saints & prelates of the Syriac
Orthodox Church (Vol.V) Puthencruz: J.S. C. Publications.