Great Lent 2024 Bible Readings – Week 5 I Lord Jesus Christ, Bless us & have mercy on us! I Mar 10 to Mar 16

Mar 10 – Fifth Sunday of Great Lent (Kpiptho/Crippled Woman)
- Evening: Luke 10: 25-37
- Morning: Luke 7:11-17
- Before Holy Qurbana
- (Genesis 9: 1 -7); Jeremiah 51: 1-9; Isaiah 49: 25 – 50: 5;
Bara Sirach (Wisdom of Sirach) 51: 13 – 30
- Holy Qurbana I Peter 3: 8-16; Romans 12: 1-15Luke 13: 10-17
Mar 11 – Fifth Monday of Great Lent
- Morning: Genesis 20: 8-18; 2 Kings 2: 19 -25; Jeremiah 33: 6-11
- Acts 19: 13-22; Romans 9: 14-21
- Luke 4: 31-41
Mar 12 – Fifth Tuesday of Great Lent
- Evening: Mark 3:1-12
- Morning: Exodus 14: 21-31; Joshua 8: 18-27; Isaiah 40: 12-24
- Acts 18: 18 -28; Romans 1: 26-32
- Mark 5: 1 -20
Mar 13 – Fifth Wednesday of Great Lent
- Evening: Mark 6: 30-46
- Morning: Deuteronomy 31: 16-23; 2 Samuel 19: 24-30; Isaiah 41: 8-17
- (Acts 5: 1 – 6); Acts 20: 29-38; 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13
- Matthew 14: 14-23
Mar 14 – Fifth Thursday of Great Lent
- Evening: Matthew 14: 23 -36
- Morning: Genesis 50: 14-22; Ecclesiastes 5: 1-9; Isaiah 42:1-9.
- Acts 19: 8-12; Colossians 3: 1-17
- Mark 6: 47-56
Mar 15 – Fifth Friday of Great Lent
- Evening: Mark 5: 21-43
- Morning: Deuteronomy 27: 16-28: 8; 2 Kings 4: 32 -37; Hosea 6: 1-6
- Acts 16: 27 -40; 1 Timothy 1: 1-20
- Matthew 9: 18-31
Mar 16 – Fifth Saturday of Great Lent (Annunciation to St. Mary)
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Deuteronomy 30: 1 – 7; Psalm 78: 1-22; Proverbs 28: 16-28; Ezekiel 15: 1-8
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 5: 33 – 42; 1 Thessalonians 2: 13-20
- Luke 6: 1 – 12
- As per the new Lectionary of MOSC, Old readings in (brackets)