LL HG Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilos – Sep 28 I A Great Visionary, Ambassador of our Church

HG Dr Philipose Mar Theophilos was born, as the sixth son of nine children to Korah and Mariamma, in a God fearing, well-to-do Kallupurakkal branch of Varikkatt family of Puthanangadi Kottayam on 9 May 1911. Mariamma, was daughter of George, Paikandathil, Mepral. Graceful and charming young boy, Korah Philipose had his preliminary schooling in Kallupurakkal, Govt UP School Veloor, (the land for which was donated by his father). Disciplined and elegant, Philipose had an exemplary higher education MD Seminary School Kottayam and CMS College Kottayam. He took his B.A degree from Maharaja’s College, Cochin, where he met many intellectual veterans of our Church and society. He had the knack of making friends and influencing others with light humour and boldness. His personality was very affable, amicable, and friendly. He was keen in attending and listening to the speeches of the fathers of the Church. to the conference of the Syrian Students. A speech made by HG Mar Ivanios of Bethany influenced greatly and the retreat enriched him very much spiritually, that the led to him entering the service of the Lord.
He pursued his education from Indian and International universities. He studied MA in St. Augustine of Canterbury in England, Master in Theology (Th.M) in Cardiff University, UK, and DD from Harvard University in Chicago, USA.

He was totally devoted to the prayerful service of the Church at a very early age and was very keen and enthusiastic in Church affairs right from his college days. It was his father’s wishes that he became a priest. He thus planned and disciplined his life accordingly. He was ordained as a ‘Korooyo’ in 1929, at the age of 18, and as sub deacon at Nadamel Church, Thripunitara in 1929 by Vattasseril Mar Dionysius Metropolitan. He was ordained, a full deacon by Pampady Kuriakose Mar Gregorios Metropolitan in 1944 and and after 13 years as deacon. Thus, began his instrumental, pivotal role in the holy service of God, dedicated to the people and society at large. His father wanted to see him married and conveyed a few marriage proposals, but Dn. Philipose prayerfully, thoughtfully did not give his consent finally resolved not to get married.
He was ordained as a priest in 1944 by His Holiness Baselios Geevarghese II, the Catholicos of the East. He offered his first holy Qurbana in Cheriya Palli in Kottayam, where he served as the Vicar of for twelve years. He was especially loved by the members of this parish, as he used to regularly visited all the houses of this parish, and took care of the parishioners, as a deacon, with the then vicar of that parish. His mannerisms won the reverence of everyone, who, came in contact with him.

Fr Korah Philipose, was elevated as a Ramban on 26 February 1965. His Holiness Baselios Augen Catholicos consecrated Ramban Philipose as Philipose Mar Theophilos as Metropolitan, on 24 August 1966, at Kolenchery and was appointed as the Metropolitan of the Ankamali Diocese. HG Philipose Mar Theophilus Thirumeni was chosen as Bishop. Thirumeni had said “my name is Philipose which means lover of horse and now God has elevated me to be Theophilus which means lover of God.” Fr K Philipose had deep loyalty to our Church and kindled by genuine ecumenical spirit. HG started many new schools, orphanages, hospitals. were started by him. He laid stones for hospitals at Kothamangalam, Chalad, and Pothanicad. Self-employment projects for poor and School for blind at Alwaye were some of his ambitious projects in Ankamali.
On 1979 February 1, he was given an additional charge of Mumbai Diocese too. He initially established his headquarters near Mar Gregorios Church, Chembur in Mumbai. In 1988, he moved to the present headquarters at the Orthodox Church Centre, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. This Diocese grew and spread over the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, a small portion of Karnataka, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. HG as a Metropolitan was a beaming beacon and source of inspiration in the Malankara Orthodox Church in international Christian arenas and was rightly then called the then international ‘Ambassador of the Church‘.
HG was totally dedicated to the Church and Society. He led the Malankara Orthodox Student Movement (MGOCSM) with a sense of direction, purpose, and accomplishment. HG’s time was known as the ‘Golden Era of MGOCSM’. He established students’ centres in Alwaye, Kothamangalam, and Trivandrum. HG started Mar Gregorios Rehabilitation Centre in 1983, a Charitable organization as a project of MGOCSM. Today (MGRC) is engaged in the rehabilitation of poor persons with disabilities visually impaired, orthopaedically handicapped, hearing impaired and mentally retarded.
He was the true architect, who refurbished and revamped the present Orthodox Theological Seminary Kottayam, of which he served as the Principal of the Orthodox Theological Seminary. He introduced new systemized study courses and appointed new professors for theology and bible studies and shifted classes to the new buildings of MD seminary campus. A great visionary, exemplary organizer, an emulative teacher, and an individual with very persuasive charisma. It was during HG’s time the Seminary got affiliation for BD courses to Serampore University. HG had won many hearts in India and all over the world. HG persuaded foreign agencies to siphon in much goodwill as well as large amounts of funds for various activities for Institutions within the fold of Malankara Orthodox Church.

HG was associated with the founding of the World Christian Council (WCC) and worked as Secretary of ‘Faith and Order’ division and central committee member of the WCC. He was the first person from the rank and file of WCC to visit Eastern Orthodox Churches, which led to those Churches taking WCC’s membership. HG established very friendly relations and cordial contacts with sister Orthodox Churches, working towards the ecumenical movements. HG was a special invitee to attend the selection of HH Patriarch Peeman of Russian Orthodox Church and was invited to attend the Republic Day parade of Romania. HG was a pioneer in building and bonding our relationships with the Churches of Eastern Europe, the Serbian Church, Russian Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Church and Bulgarian Orthodox Church. HG was selected along with HG Alexios Mar Theodosius to attend the Amsterdam WCC Conference in 1948. He attended the WCC Evanston Assembly along with the Late Rev. Fr V C Samuel.
In, October 5, 1988, HG took initiative to transfer the Holy Relics of Blessed Alvares Mar Julius Metropolitan from the secluded corner of St. Inez Cemetery to the St. Mary’s Orthodox Church, Ribander in Goa. HG Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilus a great visionary, who dreamt to help the common mass of people and equip them for the struggle in life laid the foundation stones for an educational institution, St Thomas High School in 1989, at Khadki, Pune, which has today grown a full-fledged Secondary School. One cannot forget his desire to do greatest good to greatest number of people is seen in his handiwork which is cherished and remembered.
His Grace Philipose Mar Theophilos Thirumeni was a great theologian, who made a great impact in Orthodox Churches world over. His glorious contributions and precious deeds always remain in the hearts of the faithful. HG reposed in the Lord on 28 September 1997 and was laid to rest in Thrikunnath Seminary, Aluva (Kerala).

May HG’s memory be a Blessing to us. Let us humbly remember a loved and cherished holy father in our prayers. O Theophilus Thirumeni, the lover of God, keep us, your spiritual children, in your prayers when you supplicate unceasingly before the Lord Almighty!