Quiz Questions – Gospel of St. John – Part 1

- Give the Bible References for the phrase ‘in the beginning’?
- I am ‘the voice of someone shouting in the desert, make a straight path for the Lord to travel’ Name the Prophet who prophesied this?
- God gave the Law through Moses, but ______ and ______ came through Jesus Christ.
- Which is the Native place of Andrew, Simon and Philip?
- “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” Who said about whom?
- Who said “You are Son of God; You are the king of Israel“?
- Name the disciple of John the Baptist, who was the first to become a disciple of Christ?
- Why did St. John the Baptist, come baptizing with water or what was the purpose?
- ‘Here is a real Israelite; there is nothing false in him‘! About whom was this said?
- Who told John the Baptist, that the Holy Spirit will descend in the form of a dove and rest on the man who will baptise with the Holy Spirit?
- Where had Jesus seen Nathaniel seen before, he actually conversed with him?
- To whom did he tell “Get these out of here, how dare you sell my Father’s house into a market”?
- During what time or occasion did Jesus go to the Jerusalem Temple?
- Whom did John the Baptist, testify Jesus as?
- What did Jesus mean by saying destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days?
- What did Jesus reveal with miracle and what was the outcome on the disciples?
- Write Bible Ref. to show that Jesus Christ, existed with the Father, before creation and that He was the Creator too.
- How many gallons of water was turned into wine, by Jesus at the wedding feast of Cana?
- Who was acknowledged as Israel’s teacher, by Jesus?
- Who all went with Jesus to Capernaum, after the Wedding at Cana?
- Who according to Jesus was the only person who has gone to heaven?
- Nicodemos, who met Jesus by night, was the Pharisee and a member of the supreme council. Which Supreme Council?
- Who can be qualify as *children of God*, according to Gospel of John?
- Jesus’ disciples remembered that the scripture says, “My devotion to your house, O God, burns in me like a fire” in Jn. 2: 17. Which was the prophecy of the OT that was fulfilled?
- How many stone jars were used, at the wedding feast at Cana?
Mamta Saju · September 25, 2022 at 10:44 am
It’s great, in this way we can enrich ourselves, just wanted to know is there any particular way of writing the responses
Jacob P Varghese · September 28, 2022 at 6:19 am
You need to read the Scripture Portion, Check your answers and evaluate yourself.