Quiz Questions – Gospel of St. John – Part 7

- Who said “see the whole world has gone after Jesus”?
- During the Last Supper, which disciple was sitting next to Jesus and reclining on Him?
- To whom did Jesus’ answer “I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life”?
- Which disciple was prepared to lay down the life for Jesus?
- Who was the treasurer (keeper of the money bag) among the disciples?
- For whom all does Jesus pray in His last Prayer?
- What did Jesus Christ promise that the Father would send in His name?
- Which is the sixth sign (miracle) of Jesus in the Gospel of John?
- What does Jesus say that will happen to those who do not remain in Him?
- What is John Ch. 17, traditionally known as
- How many signs (miracles) of Jesus is recorded in the Gospel of John and which is the last sign that Jesus performed, in the gospel of John?
- How did Jesus pinpoint the disciple who was to betray Him?
- Mary anointed Jesus with an expensive perfume. How much was that, worth?
- What did each of the inmates in the house in Bethany do?
- What did Jesus say that those love Him will have to do?
- Which disciple did Jesus predict, that he will deny Jesus three times?
- Which chapter of Gospel John is the longest prayer of Jesus, in the Bible?
- How many ‘I Am’s’ sayings of Jesus are there in the Gospel of John?
- What is common about Jesus in His Prayer before raising Lazarus and His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane?
- What all did, those coming to arrest Jesus carry with them?
- On what locations did Peter deny Jesus?
- On *what day* and at *what time* did the Pilate sentence Jesus to be crucified?
- Name the people were there close to the cross?
- Who wrapped the body of Jesus with spices and strips of linen?
- Who all came to arrest Jesus?