Quiz Questions – Gospel of St. John – Part 8

- Name the place from where the Pilate sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
- In which all languages were the notice on the Cross of Christ?
- What spices were used to wrap the body of Jesus?
- Why did Roman soldiers not break the bones of Jesus and what did they do instead?
- Name the valley which Jesus and his disciples crossed, after the Supper:
- Name the high priest’s servant whose ear was cut off and who cut it?
- Who took the body of Jesus from the Pilate?
- Where was Jesus taken to be crucified?
- Who said “what I have written, I have written”?
- Who was the first to see, that the stone of the tomb of Jesus was removed/rolled over?
- What did they give for Jesus as a drink, while He lay hung on the Cross?
- How many times did the Resurrected Lord appear to the disciples?
- Whom did Mary Magdalene mistake Jesus for?
- How many signs (miracles) are recorded in the Gospel of John?
- How many times did Jesus ask Peter “Do you love me”?
- Two disciples ran to the Tomb of Christ. *Who* reached the tomb first and *who* entered the tomb first?
- Who asked Mary Magdalene “why are you crying”?
- What were the first words the Resurrected Lord, to His disciples?
- How many of parables are narrated in the gospel of John?
- What was the responsibility entrusted on Peter by Jesus?
- *What flowed out*, when Jesus was pierced with a spear/lance and what is the significance of the this in Holy Qurbana?
- When the two disciples saw that Jesus’ body was not in the tomb. What did they *not* understand?
- Jesus Christ was born in a Virgin womb and buried in a new (virgin) tomb. What’s the significance to us in Holy Qurbana?
- How many times in the Gospel of John does Jesus give His Peace to His disciples?
- Jesus said “I am the _______ Shepherd”. How many times does He say this?