Scripture Readings – Dec. 26 Feast of the Glory of St. Mary, Mother of God I First Sunday after Christmas (The Holy Family flee to Egypt)

Feast of the Glory of St. Mary, Mother of God
§ Evening: Luke 2: 15-20
§ Morning: Luke 11: 23-32• Holy Qurbana
• Old Testament Readings
Exodus 3: 1-10; 1 Sam 4: 4-8; Ezekiel 44: 1-12; Isaiah 8: 1-10;• Epistle Readings
Acts 7: 30-43; Romans 1: 1-10• Gospel Readings
St. Luke 8: 16-21First Sunday after Christmas (The Holy Family flee to Egypt)
• Evening: Luke 2: 40-52 / Matthew 10: 16 – 23
• Morning: Mark 6: 1-6 / John 15: 18 – 21• Holy Qurbana
• Old Testament Readings
Genesis 21: 8-13, 24: 2-7; Judges 13: 24 – 14: 4; Zechariah 8: 3-8:
(Isaiah 5: 20-30 Genesis 37: 13 – 28) **• Epistle Readings
Acts 16: 6 -10; I Corinthians 10: 1- 13• Gospel Readings
Luke 2: 40 -52 / (Matthew 2: 9 – 15, 19- 23) **