Scripture Readings – Holy Ascension of our Lord – May 9 I Swargarohana Perrunnal – Suloqo

Evening: Luke 24: 36-53; (Mark 16: 14 – 20)
Morning: Luke 24: 36-53
Holy Qurbana
Old Testament Readings
Deut. 9: 26-10: 5: 1 Sam. 9: 15-10:1; Is. 48: 20-49: 4; Ez. 10: 18-22;
Daniel the Younger: 3: 49-90 (Prayer of Azariah & the Song of Three Children)
(Jer. 31: 31-34; 2 Kings 2: 9-15);
Epistle Readings
Acts 1: 4 -11; Ephesians 4: 1-16 + 1 Timothy 3:16
Gospel Readings
Mark 16: 14-20 / Luke 24: 36 – 53