Scripture Readings – Mar 10 I Fifth Sunday of Great Lent I Hadbšabo d Kfifto (Crippled Woman/Bent Woman)

- Evening: Luke 10: 25-37
- Morning: Luke 7:11-17
- Morning: Luke 7:11-17
- Old Testament Readings
- (Genesis 9: 1 -7); Jeremiah 51: 1-9; Isaiah 49: 25 – 50: 5;
Bara Sirach (Wisdom of Sirach) 51: 13 – 30
- (Genesis 9: 1 -7); Jeremiah 51: 1-9; Isaiah 49: 25 – 50: 5;
- Holy Qurbana
Epistle Readings- I Peter 3: 8-16; Romans 12: 1-15
Gospel Reading- Luke 13: 10-17
- I Peter 3: 8-16; Romans 12: 1-15