Scripture Readings – Feast of Pentecost – May 19 / 50th Day After Resurrection of our Lord

Evening: John 14: 15-31
Morning: John 15: 1: 14; (John 15: 20 -25)*
Holy Qurbana
Old Testament Readings
Exodus 19: 1-11; Numbers 11: 16-17, 24-29; Joshua 18: 1-7; Proverbs 4: 18-5:2; 2 Kings 2: 13-17; Daniel. 5: 7-19; Ezekiel 11:17-20, Isaiah 42: 6-16;
(I Sam 10:9-12; 2 Kings 2: 14-17, 12: 1-27; Ez. 11: 17-20, 36: 25 – 27; Isaiah 42: 1- 27)*
Epistle Readings
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor. 12:1-11 + 2 Cor. 13: 11- 13
(Acts 2: 1-13; Galatians 5: 16 – 26) *
Gospel Reading
John 16: 5-15 / John 15: 1 – 14
Service of the First kneeling
Old Testament Readings
Genesis 11:1-9; Judges 13: 24-14:7; (2 Kings 2: 14 – 17)*
Epistle Readings
Acts 19:1-7; I Corinthians 14: 20-25
Gospel Reading
John 14: 13-24 / John 14: 1-17

Service of the Second Kneeling
Old Testament Readings
2 Kings 2:14-17; Joel 2: 25-32 (Ezekiel 37: 1 – 14; Joel 2:25-32)*
Epistle Readings
Acts 19: 8-12; 1 Cor. 14:26-33; (Acts 10: 34 – 48; I Cor. 12: 12- 27)*
Gospel Reading
John 4: 13-23 / John 14: 25 – 31
Service of the Third Kneeling
Old Testament Readings
Numb. 11:16-35; 1 Sam. 10:9-15; (Judg. 13: 24 -14: 7; Ez. 47:1-12; Is. 47: 1- 1) *
Epistle Readings
Acts 2: 1-21; 1 Cor 12:1-27; (1 Corinthians 14: 20- 33)*
Gospel Reading
John 14: 25-27 + 15: 26-27 + 16: 1-15
- (Old Lectionary Readings)*