Mar Severios of Antioch | Feb 8 : Celebrated Father, Crown of the Syrians I (AD 459 – 538)

Severios was one of the Great, Celebrated Father, Teacher, Patriarch and ‘Crown of the Syrians – (togho dsuryoye’) of the Oriental Churches. He was born into an affluent family in the city of Sozopolis of Pisidia in AD 465. His father was a council senator of the city. His paternal grandfather, also named Severus, was the Bishop of Sozopolis and had attended the Council of Ephesus in 431. He was named after his paternal grandfather as Severus senior, had received a vision in which he was told, ‘the child who is for your son will strengthen Orthodoxy, and his name will be after your name’.
After the death of his father, Severios, went to study Greek, Latin, Grammar, philosophy, and rhetoric, in Alexandria, a great cultural centre those days. At Alexandria, he met Zacharias of Mytilene, a fellow student and friend, who persuaded him to read the works of Gregory of Nazianzus, and Basil of Caesarea, in particular his correspondence with Libanius. According to Zacharias, whilst students at Alexandria, he and Severus discovered and destroyed a hoard of pagan idols at the neighbouring city of Menouthis. The biographical details of Severios come down to us from his friend Zachariah of Gaza.
Later he went to Beirut A. D. 486 and became well versed in Roman law and practiced as an advocate there. It was during his stay in Beirut that he came to know about the Cappadocian Fathers and became a Christian. At Beirut, he read widely on theology and published a book praising St. Paul – Encomium of the Apostle Paul.
Severios was baptized in A. D. 488 at Tripoli. It is not certain whether his parents were Christians. In A. D. 490 Mar Severios visited Jerusalem, took vows of monasticism and joined the monastery of Peter between Gaza and Majuma. Even though he was an expert in law, he preferred to reside in Jerusalem and lead the life of an ascetic. He donated his family wealth to the poor. He not only sang about the incarnated Christ but also testified Christ through his life. After the council of Chalcedon there arose a dispute regarding the unity of Christ’s Nature. Mar Severios expounded and defended the belief in One Nature of Christ and Staunchly opposed Two Nature theorists. His treatises and epistles and debates with the heretics enlighten us in Christology.
Bishop Epiphanius ordained Severios Priest. He lived at Constantinople during A. D. 508-511. Patriarch Flavian II (A. D. 498-512) was removed from the Throne in A. D. 512. Severios was enthroned Patriarch of Antioch on 6 November 512. In his first speech on assuming the throne, he extolled the creed of the Great Councils of Nicaea, Constantinople and Ephesus and rejected the heretics of the council of Chalcedon. In those days, the Non-Chalcedonians were cruelly persecuted. Mar Severios also suffered a lot and had to flee to Egypt. As a Patriarch, he continued the monastic lifestyle. He demolished all luxurious facilities built by his predecessor.
In A. D. 518 Justin I, a pro-Chalcedonian emperor, came into power and the writings of Patriarch Severios were burned. Anybody having in his or her possession the writings of Mar Severios were tortured. Subsequently, on 29 September A. D. 518, he was exiled from Antioch to Alexandria.
He is the author of several great writings including the hymn “By Thy Mother’s earnest Prayr’s’ …” this came to be known as Manniso (hymn) of St Severios. This hymn is greater in status than just a song. This is an occasion to declare and proclaim the Creed of the Church. Mar Severios sings about the mystery of Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This Christological entrance hymn is a beautiful summary of our doctrine of Christ. This hymn contains the mystery of Incarnation of Lord Jesus Christ as well as the events from His Crucifixion to Resurrection. This is a versified rendering of the teachings of Mar Severios regarding Christology. This hymn expounds that Jesus Christ in his true Nature is free from mortality. He incarnated for the salvation of the entire mankind out of his tender mercy. Even though Jesus Christ took human form from St. Mary who is “glorious, chaste and pure”, His True Nature remained unaltered. He was crucified for the sake of all of us who believe in Him. I adore Lord Jesus who is Lord and King, Word and Father’s Son. Jesus Christ by virtue of His death, trampled upon the power of death over us (Romans 6: 4-6). Lord the Son is one of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity. He is worshipped and praised equally along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit (St. Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:13).
The above confession of faith is repeated during the fraction and commixture in the Holy Qurbana. That is, “He is One Immanuel, and is indivisible into two natures after the unity. Thus, we believe and thus we confess and thus we confirm . . . He is described in the Fifth Diptych as “the crown of the Syrians, the eloquent mouth, the pillar and the doctor of the Holy Church of God as a whole, the meadow abounding in blossom, who preached all the time that Mary was undoubtedly the God-bearer.” suriyanikkarude kireedavum, Daivathinte visudha sabha muzhuvanteyum vivekamulla vayum, thoonum, malppanum, pushpangal kondu niranja mechil sthalavum, mariyaam samsayam koodathe Daivamaathaavennu ellaypozhum prasangichavanumaaya njangalude paatriarkees Mar Severiosum.
“The crown of the Syrians, the eloquent mouth, the pillar and the doctor of the Holy Church of God as a whole, the meadow abounding in blossom, who preached all the time that Mary was undoubtedly the God-bearer.”
Suriyanikkarude kireedavum, Daivathinte visudha sabha muzhuvanteyum vivekamulla vayum, thoonum, malppanum, pushpangal kondu niranja mechil sthalavum, mariyaam samsayam koodathe Daivamaathaavennu ellaypozhum prasangichavanumaaya njangalude paatriarkees Mar Severiosum.

“He poured wine over our wounds, the wine of his Word, and seeing that the gravity of our wounds could not endure it in its full strength, he mixed with it the oil of his sweetness and “love for men” .
St. Severus of Antioch
St Severus is a unique Church father, a great theologian and author of unswerving works, with tantamount to his knowledge and wisdom. He is the author of twenty homilies; fourteen hymns on the Nativity of Our Lord and on martyrs; thirteen hymns on the Epiphany, on the miracles of Our Lord and for Holy Sunday; nine hymns on Lent and on the baptized; eight hymns on the dead; seven hymns on the Palm festival, Pentecost, pestilences and compline; six hymns on the Mother of God and on earthquakes; five hymns on the Passion of Our Lord, the Resurrection and the Forty martyrs; four hymns for the funerals of the clergy and monks and for children. Patriarch Severios was a prolific writer. He has prepared a liturgy and several other prayers for special occasions.
He became ill due to strict ascetic practices in the monastery. Mar Severios foreseeing his death called his disciples and said: “It is good that I am going to join Jesus Christ. You will also come to me there and will again unite.” He spent about twenty years in hiding (AD. 518-538) and departed for the heavenly abode on 8 February, 538 at Sakha, Egypt at the age of seventy-nine. The feast of Mar Severios is celebrated on 8 February in the Orthodox Syrian Church.