Blessed Virgin Mary – Our Model of Life – Let us live, our entire life, FULLY SURRENDERED TO GOD’S WILL.
Virgin Mary lived her Whole Life in complete surrender to God’s will.
Let us live, our entire life, FULLY SURRENDERED TO GOD’S WILL.

“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word,” (Lk. 1: 38) said Virgin to Angel Gabriel. Mary surrendered to God’s will, by faith, even though it was difficult, even though she may not have understood. Mary’s deep devotion to the Lord and her willingness to surrender and be submissive despite confusion and fear, empowered her to live her whole life in complete surrender to God’s will.
Mary was there throughout His entire mission on earth. Virgin Mary accompanied Jesus from His conception in her womb until His death on the Cross. Virgin Mary was there at His Incarnation, Birth, Childhood, during the so called the ‘Hidden Years’, Public Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of the One, God Incarnate, Jesus Christ. His disciples spent three years with Him, during His “public ministry,” but Mary spent thirty-three years! She was a woman prepared by God and continually surrendered to His love.

She is also the one disciple of Jesus who didn’t flee or doubt when all the others fled and doubted, but who stayed and accepted to the very end the burden of being under the Cross. Mary understood, this work of the Holy Spirit unlike anyone in history. She had been clothed in that wonderful gift when she was first visited by the angel and ‘overshadowed by Most High’

Mary shows us how to be a follower of Jesus, making a loving, total, surrender into the Hands of God, Who loves us. It was Mary’s love for God that gave her the strength to Surrender to the will of God. His redemptive presence forever changed the history of the world and can do so in our own personal lives if we learn how to surrender to His invitation to love. When we surrender our thoughts, perspective, plans, and our will and shift to focus and meditate on God, we can experience His love, rest, and peace in our lives.
All we need is to rely on Him and seek His will.
May we remember to have hearts that are submissive and obedient to God’s will for our lives.