Moranaya Feasts (Maranaya Perunaals)– Feasts of our Lord

Published by Jacob P Varghese on

MARANAYA FEASTS Feast means ‘big day’ and ‘Maranaya feast’ means a big day related to Christ. These days are considered dedicated to Christ. Sunday is the Lord’s Day. So, it is a Maranaya day.

Different kinds of Maranaya Feasts: All Maranaya Feast days should be set apart to engage in divine services and participate in Holy Qurbana, reading and meditation of the scriptures, preaching the gospel, get involved in humanitarian activities and teach and learn at Sunday school by freeing ourselves from worldly work. Since that day is the rest day from worldly activities and to be dedicated to God’s work. Sunday is the ‘Lord’s Day’ of the Church. The Church has decided upon certain days related to the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ as Maranaya feast days. These days should be considered like Sundays.

All the Maranaya Perunaals or Feasts of our Lord Jesus Christ, are numbered three headings. They may be fall on a Sunday or any other weekday, but everyone should attend the Church as on Sunday, for these festivals. Church Fathers have determined that they should be treated equally like Lord’s Sunday, without fasting after the Divine Liturgy. Holy Qurbana is celebrated on all Maranaya Feasts days, with Holy Qurbana, except Good Friday, as our Lord is in passion and is crucified on that day.

There are Maranaya Feasts days which are considered along with Maranaya feast days, and other days which are celebrated like Maranaya feast days. Some Maranaya feast are not directly related to the events of Jesus Christ but are celebrated as a Maranaya Feast Day.

Maranaya Feasts Days are of three kinds:  

1. Days of significance in the life of Jesus Christ are celebrated like Sundays
2. Days to be considered along with Maranaya.
3. Days to be celebrated like Maranaya.

1. Days of significance in the life of Jesus Christ are celebrated like Sundays. They are: –
1. Circumcision Day – January 1
2. Danaho / Denaha (Baptism of our Lord – January 6
3. Mayalto (Presentation of our Lord to the Temple) – February 2
4. Suboro (Vachanippu – Annunciation to Blessed Virgin Mary) – March 25
5. Transfiguration Day (Koodara Perunaal) – August 6
6. Sleeba Feast – Feast of Exhalation of the Cross – September 14
7. Birth of Christ (Yeldho) – Christmas – December 25
8. Hosanna – Palm Sunday
9. Pessaha – Maundy Thursday
10. Good Friday – (Holy Qurbana is not celebrated)
11. Kymtha – Resurrection of our Lord
12. Sulokho – Holy Ascension of our Lord
13. Pentecost – Descent of the Holy Spirit

2. Days to be considered along with Maranaya

1) Shunoyo (Falling Asleep of Mother Mary) – Dormition of Virgin St Mary – Aug 15
2) Commemoration Day of St. Peter and St. Paul – Jun 29
3) Commemoration Day of St. Thomas (Dukrono – for India) – Dec 21/Jul 3

3. Days to be celebrated like Maranaya Remembrance

Feasts of Commemoration of Saints (they lived like Christ, for Christ and gave their Life for Christ), Day of the Saint on whose name the Church is dedicated should be celebrated as Maranaya in that Particular Church. Mid Lent Day, 40th Friday of the Lent, days of the Haasha Week, Passion week, Holy Saturday, Haevorae Days, etc…


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